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AutorenbildAngelika Erlbacher

It's not about "how much" - it's about "how well"

Aktualisiert: 13. Nov. 2021

Angies main take aways from the guest lecture with Kumu Ramsay Taum, Hawaii

“Unify the mind, body, and sprit”

The guest lecture with Kumu Ramsay Taum was my personal favorite guest lecture and inspired me the most. The way he was talking, respectful and profound, I felt like listening to a very wise man explaining the world. A better world in the future, where tourism achieves an alignment and balance with mother earth and human beings likewise.

The two most important take-aways are that, first, over tourism can and should generally be measured not by “how much” but by “how well” in accountability to the locals, the nature, and the environment.

And second, that success should be measured in how mindful travelers are, generating a more ecofriendly footprint and not leaving trash behind.

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