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AutorenbildJana Wehrle

About the real "Chinese Guest" and personality developement

Aktualisiert: 13. Nov. 2021

Janas main take aways out of the guest lecture with Markus Schuckert, China and Taiwan

When listening to Markus Schuckert I realised that he really knows the “Chinese guest”.

After living and working for such a long time in Hong Kong, I trust him in all his explanations he gave us. And this was one of the best presentations in combinations with Hofstedes cultural dimension. When I was listening to him, he was talking really enthusiastic about China and his experiences abroad. I started thinking about, how huge influences working internationally has on a person and his/her personality development.

„It’s amazing to work internationally, but its also okay to stay home..”

I way really impressed by histing sentence.

In my opinion and with my experiences, people who travel do not have the understanding or acceptance for staying at home.

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